Elements Of Information Security

Today i want to share with you an important topic and the most critical one. It's the elements of information security against attacks and Hackers in general.

Information security does it instantly bring to your mind something related to the information technology or the computer systems? This is actually closer to the Information Systems Security, which is almost a part of information security. But when we are dealing with information security on the whole, from the broader perspective, the concern is more relevant to the protection and safeguard of every type of information and data documentation related to any kind of media.

What are the basic elements to secure information?


-Assurance that the information is accessible only to those authorized to have access.
-Confidentiality breaches may occur due to improper data handling or a hacking attempt. 
-Whether the information is related to the computer systems, information technology, information and communication technology, or a simple means of communication, the first element is maintaining the confidentiality of the matter.


-Integrity in information security is related to data integrity.
-This concept of data integrity is closely relevant to telecommunications. Computer Science also has data integrity, as a core element, to protect its information database.
-In fact, data integrity is to maintain the accuracy of the data while its in operation, storage and more importantly when it is being transferred. Most illegal steps and cyber crimes take place during the transfer process. Therefore, if the basic honesty in data integrity is violated, information security cannot be sustained.
-Integrity of information shares a close relationship with the data preservation. Specifications of data users ought to be maintained for the security of information.


-Assurance that the systems responsible for delivering,storing,and processing information are accessible when required by the authorized users.

This is the Basic Elements of information security (C-I-A).

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